Today Jay Carney held a press conference to discuss the recent Benghazi scandal.....and IRS scandal.....and AP scandal. In that press conference, he revealed that 1) the White House knew nothing about any of these incidents and 2) none of them can be blamed on the Obama Administration. IF they can all be proven (ignore the fact that the IRS has apologized for targeting Tea Party groups) then some people "have to be held accountable." Because it's "outrageous" that the IRS would target conservative organizations based on their ideologies (if they did, blame the IRS!) or that the government would tap and record AP reporters home and work phones for two months worth of conversations (if they did, blame the Department of Justice!) or that someone would edit the Benghazi talking points twelve times, eliminating all references to Al-Queda (if they did, blame the CIA!). Outrageous. Unheard of. Trust your government.
It amazes me that BO and Jay Carney can stand in front of the nation and lie through their teeth. I watched Carney's press conference this morning, not because I thought he'd reveal anything pertinent, but because I thought it'd be a good laugh. And I was right. All I learned from Carney (apart from the definition of the word "unfettered") was that, not only are the morons in charge of this country total liars, they are also completely inept and believe the American people to be complete idiots. Actually, I learned all of that a long time ago, but it was still fun to watch Carney squirm as the media FINALLY asked questions of more importance than where MOO gets her hair styled.
It's no wonder that Carney was overwhelmed today - I think anyone who has been paying attention the last week has been overwhelmed. BO has suddenly gone from the media's darling at the top of the world to Nixon Jr. So what exactly is happening in all three of the scandals that have blown up this week? And what does it mean for dear leader?
#1 - Benghazi
This is the one that started it all and, I believe, the one that BO's administration most wants forgotten. About two weeks ago, reports came out about three "whistleblowers," three former members of the administration who had certain classified information but had been told not to reveal it, decided to speak out. The got attorneys and testified at a hearing before the House Oversight Committee, revealing details that had never been released before, and putting the WH into some very bad light. The information they revealed was so bad that the next day, the MSM started asking questions about Benghazi to Carney! The whistleblowers were Greg Hicks, former deputy chief of missions in Libya and the 2nd highest in command there behind Ambassador Stevens, Mark Thompson, acting deputy assistant Secretary of State for counterterrorism, and Eric Nordstrom, former regional security officer in Libya, and they dropped some bombshells.
- There were multiple stand-down orders given the night of the attack - and they absolutely made the difference between life and death for the four Americans murdered there. Despite the fact the Lt. Col. Gibson had his men in Tripoli ready and on the runway to board a plane to Benghazi, they were not allowed to leave their military base. Hicks, however, was able to travel to Benghazi before the end of the attack. If he could make it, soldiers could have made it, and since two of the men did not die until nearly 7 hours after the attack began, that means someone willingly chose not to save them.
- Hicks told Hillary Clinton at 2 a.m., as the attack was happening, that it was a terrorist attack. She blamed it on a YouTube video three days later, at the memorial service of four dead Americans. So did Susan Rice - five times. So did BO - for days after the attack. (Nakoula Basseley Nakoula is still in prison, by the way, for practicing his unfettered right to the 1st amendment.)
- The movie was a "non-event," according to Hicks....until the President made it one. The day after the attack, the Libyan President immediately said it was a terrorist attack. Rice, Clinton, and BO said that wasn't the case. Guess what? That pissed him off. It humiliated him on a national stage. So when the FBI wanted to come investigate, he refused. The investigation didn't begin for 17 days after the attack, by which time the crime scene had been thoroughly contaminated.
- Ambassador Stevens was taken to a hospital the night of the attack. The hospital was run by the terrorists who attacked the embassy.
Then, in the midst of this scandal, two more scandals were revealed, neither of which make the WH look good (we'll get to those) but neither of which would implicate BO or Hillary for murder, either. It's incredibly convenient. And it's not working. Those damn reporters have started doing their jobs and continue to ask questions regarding Benghazi. Now, BO and Carney's new mantra is that there's nothing there. This is some GOP spun "sideshow" with no substance.
It matters to Eric Nordstrom. And Greg Hicks. And Pat Smith, the mother of the murdered Sean Smith.
#2 - IRS
"30 percent of this country will always vote Republican. I'm just asking why? Yes, paranoia, greed, and racism are fun, but..."Bill Maher said that in 2011. It was funny then; now it's freakin' hysterical.
Friday, the Internal Revenue Service 'apologized' to Tea Party and Conservative affiliated groups for targeting them for further scrutiny for tax exemptions. Since 2010. Something that IRS Senior Official Lois Lerner has known about since 2011. Tea Party members who thought their tax exemption forms were strange brought them up in 2010, saying they were being singled out, but they were dismissed as paranoid conservatives.
But seriously, folks, trust the government.
An IRS unit in Cincinnati figured this all out when they were sorting through tax exemptions forms for 2012. They had so many political ones that they'd separated them into a different group and something. didn't. add. up. (Maybe this was too complicated for the higher ups, like Lois Lerner, to comprehend. After all, she isn't very good at math.)
Groups were targeted for intense scrutiny if they contained the words "Tea Party" or "conservative" or if part of their goals were "to improve our country" or to "educate about the Constitution." You know, radical things like that. These organizations had to answer incredibly intrusive questions about who funded them, how often they received funding, if they were in contact with members of any legislative bodies, if they or anyone in their family was considering running for any type of public office, and if they had an personal relationships with anyone in office (please describe). The replies for these forms took up to 500 pages to complete. Liberal groups of the same size and scope were fast-tracked at an average pace of 9 months; conservative groups went through this process for 27 months.
Now, using the IRS for political purposes isn't anything new. According to his daughter, FDR (my favorite guy!) was probably the first president to use the IRS to intimidate political opponents. That means Huey Long was likely the first victim. Long was the governor of Louisiana before he was elected to the Senate in 1930. There, after initially supporting FDR's New Deal plan, he eventually became its harshest critic (because it sucked). FDR called Long one of the two most dangerous men in the country. When FDR tried to refuse him federal funding, Long one-upped FDR by refusing to accept any federal funding that was sent to Louisiana and telling them to "go to hell." Long began his own crusade to gain a national base and possibly run as an independent in a future election - and his success terrified FDR. Polls soon showed he had support from about 15% of the country - enough to swing the election to the Republicans.
FDR had already begun using the IRS against Long. It's unknown when the investigation started, by three days after Henry Morgentheu was appointed as the Secretary of Treasury, he called Elmer Irey, the head of the special intelligence division of the IRS, into his office and said, "Why have you stopped investigating Huey Long, Mr. Irey?" When Irey said it was on hold, Morgentheu instructed him to get right back on it. He had to report to Morgentheu with weekly reports. When he failed to arrive one week after nearly a year of this, Morgentheu called and said, "You haven't seen me in eight days."
Long resented the intrusion of up to 250 IRS agents in his state and said so frequently. By 1935, the IRS began indicting low-level members of Long's administration. After Long was assassinated in September 1935, the indictments of many of the members were dropped after they pledged to support Roosevelt in the next election.
Andrew Johnson and John Kennedy both were reported to use the IRS to buy votes. Perhaps the most infamous presidential abuse of the IRS, though, came from Richard Nixon. Nixon aides developed "enemies lists," including political thinkers, engineers, and reporters, for whom to target with the IRS. He created a system for the IRS to use to persecute people, rather than look at cases individually. One of the counts listed for his impeachment was how he and his administration worked:
"to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law."Sound familiar?
(On a side note, remember how the Republicans have been against gun registries because they will lead to national gun registration which will give the government knowledge about citizens that they have no business having? Remember that slippery slope argument? Remember how liberals said it was totally unrealistic?)
#3 - AP
This one must have been particularly grueling for the MSM to digest. Barack Obama, the media's darling, their savior, the man whose ass they've kissed and whose bloody footprints they've covered for over four years, abandoned them.
In April and May 2012, the Department of Justice has secretly obtained and recorded phone calls, both home and work, from reporters and editors of the Associated Press staff. They seized 20 separate phone lines and recorded about 100 different journalists. No official reason for the search has been released, although they may have been searching for who revealed information about a foiled terrorist attack on May 7, 2012.
We have this thing called the 1st amendment. It guarantees the right of free speech. We also have a 4th amendment which protects against unlawful searches and seizures and requires a warrant for such things. In instances like this, that warrant is called a subpoena. Rules provided by the Justice Department state that subpoenas of records must be approved by the attorney general. News organizations are typically notified in advance if the government wants phone records so that negotiations can take place, since another rule regarding subpoenas is that they can be used only after all reasonable attempts at another solution have been made. They are also required to be as narrow and detailed as possible to avoid a government this.
What now?
So where does this leave us? With a government we can't trust, which we'e known for a long time, but with a media suddenly inspired and pissed off. The next week or two could be a circus. I had a professor talk about Watergate recently and he said that that summer (forty years ago from this summer), people were riveted to the news; that everyday something new was revealed and the arrows closed down on Nixon more and more.
But that won't happen here, for course, because this wasn't the governments fault. At least, not BO's part of the government. It was the CIA, which BO has no authority in, and the IRS, which BO has not authority in, and the Justice Department, which BO has no authority in. Which begs the question, what exactly does BO have authority in? If, like Carney would like us to believe, he didn't know about any of these scandals until he learned about it from CNN just like us (NOT like us - I learned it from FOX), what else doesn't he know? Why can't he control his government?
But that's only if you believe Carney and BO. If you don't, there really only one question to ask. If someone will "have to be held accountable," is BO going to make us go through the trouble of impeaching him, or will he just resign?
Stay tuned, folks. The ride is just beginning.
God bless America.
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