Tuesday, April 16, 2013

"...force them to drop their lawsuit to have the so-called partial birth abortion ban ruled unconstitutional."

"We have all been concerned lately with the rise of conservatism in this country, especially as it relates to women. You’ve read the alarming news about the Justice Department’s request for hospitals to turn over the private medical records of dozen of patients. This cynical ploy is to designed to intimidate a group of physicians and force them to drop their lawsuit to have the so-called partial birth abortion ban ruled unconstitutional."- MOo (Michelle Obama) in a 2004 campaign letter for her husband.

Adolf Hitler. Josef Stalin. Osama Bin Laden. Adam Lanza. Dylan Harris. Eric Klebold. Lee Harvey Oswald. Seung-Hui Cho. Boston 4/15 Bomber. Ted Kaczynski. There's a list somewhere of people who will rot in Hell. These names are on it. Kermit Gosnell is at the top of that list.

Kermit Gosnell is a serial murderer. He's despicable, he's sick, and he's going to suffer eternally for his crimes, but he's not going to suffer here. Here, the media turns the other way. Here, Pennsylvania Department of Health, the Department of State and the Philadelphia Department of Public Health ignored complaints about his facility. Here, the President "can't comment" on a case in progress (unless that case is Trayvon Martin) but "his position on the basic principle — that as President Clinton said, abortions ought to be safe, legal and rare — is very clear."

Abortion. Is that what this is? Is that what's it's called when 30-week old, six-pound infants are born screaming onto a table and their spinal cords are snipped? Is that what it's called when said baby "is big enough to walk around with me or walk me to the bus stop"?

Kermit Gosnell was an abortionist unlike any other. He didn't have a standard fee - he charged by the pound. The bigger the baby, the higher the cost. Gosnell's "House of Horrors" is almost too awful to describe - his "clinic" served mostly poor and minority women, who were placed on blood-stained tables in a room that stank of urine, with flea-ridden cats scouring the floors, and parts of fetuses in jars around the room. These remains were only 45 of the estimated 400 babies he murdered.

For the last 5 weeks, he's been in trial on 8 counts of murder - 7 babies and 1 patient, who died when she was given too much of a cheap sedative (I'm not sure if her 19-week old fetus, which was found in Gosnell's freezer 3 months later, was one of the 7 babies or not.) These charged do not include the woman who, after she changed her mind about her abortion, was drugged, tied down, and forced to continue.

The truth is, there's not much I can do here to give justice to the horror of these crimes. I will not attach pictures of the babies - babies, not fetuses - because I saw one by accident and it scarred me for life. I don't like to make predictions, but this man will be found guilty - if not here, then by a higher power - and he will rightfully suffer. And God is already with the babies that he killed from 1972-2011. Kermitt Gosnell is the sickest thing in the world right now.

But what comes close is the media's decision to completely ignore the trial. It's easy to find information on Gosnell - he's not a low-key guy - but none of it comes from the media. And do you know what? It's because they are doing what they do best - covering the ass of our Savior, BO.

Let me explain the difference between abortion, partial-birth abortion, and Gosnell's murders. There isn't one. It's all murder, it just occurs at different times. Abortion as it's typically referred to generally happens within the first trimester of pregnancy, during the first 19 weeks. 88-92% of all abortions in the United States occur within this time frame. Partial-birth abortion, also known as late term abortion, occurs after 20 weeks. It is around this time that babies start to become "viable," meaning they can survive outside the womb. Here's an actual five-step instruction guide for partial-birth abortionists:

  1. Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby’s legs with forceps.
  2. The baby’s leg is pulled out into the birth canal.
  3. The abortionist delivers the baby’s entire body, except for the head.
  4. The abortionist jams scissors into the baby’s skull. The scissors are then opened to enlarge the skull.
  5. The scissors are removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The child’s brains are sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead baby is then removed.

What Gosnell did is infanticide - the baby is born, alive, and is then killed. BO supports this.

As an Illinois state senator in 2002, Barack Obama voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act. Before the vote, he was the only person to speak out against it. He said (emphasis mine),
As I understand it, this puts the burden on the attending physician who has determined, since they were performing this procedure, that, in fact, this is a nonviable fetus; that if that fetus, or child – however way you want to describe it – is now outside the mother’s womb and the doctor continues to think that it’s nonviable but there’s, let’s say, movement or some indication that, in fact, they’re not just coming out limp and dead, that, in fact, they would then have to call a second physician to monitor and check off and make sure that this is not a live child that could be saved.
Ignoring all the "in fact," "uh," and "let's say's" in that passage, BO was more concerned about the doctor performing the botched abortion than the living child on the table. He thought that it was too much trouble to call in a second doctor to check to see if the baby could be saved and that the decision should just be up to the doctor who just messed up the abortion (and, since it's that doctors job to correctly perform abortions, how eager are they going to be to acknowledge that they messed up?)

His opinion hasn't changed since then, of course. In 2012, BO gave the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor in this country, to retired Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens, who once wrote regarding partial-birth abortions "That holding--that the word 'liberty' in the Fourteenth Amendment includes a woman’s right to make this difficult and extremely personal decision--makes it impossible for me to understand how a State has any legitimate interest in requiring a doctor to follow any procedure other than the one that he or she reasonably believes will best protect the woman in her exercise of this constitutional liberty." He voted in support of partial-birth abortions twice in the Supreme Court. Our highest civilian honor in this country. I wonder what lesser people are like...

So the media doesn't cover Gosnell because this might come back and bite the Commander-in-Chief in the ass. That's not the only reason, of course. BO's pro-choice in general and so is most of the liberal media, which is why they didn't cover 500,000 people who joined the March for Life in D.C. on March 18th (next one is January 22, 2014!) You'd think that would be hard to miss.

But pro-life isn't hot these days. No, the hot topic is "women's rights." Oh, how I hate that term. Why do women, or any other "rights" group, for that matter, feel the need to make themselves into victims? What "rights" are they fighting for? It's strange, but I've been a woman my entire life and I've never felt discriminated against.

So what are "women's rights," exactly? It's interesting, but when I searched the term (on wikipedia - teachers lie, it's a great source) I found that these "rights" generally include: suffrage, education, to hold public office, to own property, military service, to enter into legal contracts, to fair wages, and marital, parental, and religious rights. Please, any women who read this, tell me the last time you were denied entrance into school for being a woman. Actually, let's think about all the quotas colleges have and how many of them so desperately want equal numbers of men and women that they turn down qualified men in order to balance off the numbers. Men's rights, anyone?

There was one other right that was mentioned and that was "to bodily integrity and autonomy." I guess that would be where abortion fits in. Except it's not. Abortion isn't about a woman's body anymore - it's about the body (and the life) of the baby.

"But pregnancy affects the woman!" cry the feminazi's of the world (and the pro-choicers. Same diff.)

Yes, no duh pregnancy affects the woman.

"So if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she has the right to not be pregnant."

Right, again! And if a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, then she can prevent that. By not having sex.

I know that's a radical idea, but it's also effective 99.9% of the time. A woman has "bodily autonomy" because she has the choice to use her body to have sex. I think most people know that sex can result in pregnancy. If a woman chooses to take that risk, then she should accept the consequences - a baby.

Describing a baby as a consequence sounds so harsh to me, but I guess that's how some people see it - not as a life, not as a child, but as a burden. And that's sad, but if that's how people see it, then they shouldn't be allowed to be parents, which is why there's this wonderful thing called adoption. Last year, over 3,000 adoptions came from South Korea, China, Russia, Ethiopia, and Ukraine in addition to over 9,000 adoptions occurring in the United States. People want children. And children deserve life.

The biggest argument for pro-baby killers is rape. And I see the argument. I just went on and on about a woman's choice to have sex, but in rape it's not the woman's choice. I'm still against abortion. I'm sorry for women who are raped, especially if they get pregnant as a result, but it's not the baby's fault. I can understand if they don't want the baby, but it's still a baby. Again, adoption. Or keep the child. Because even if the child is a child by rape, it's still a life. And that child did nothing to deserve to die - punishing the baby won't hurt the rapist.
  • And rapes (and incest) only account for 1% of the total number of abortions performed a year. 
  • Only 12% of abortions are performed because of risks to the mother's health. 
  • A heart breaking 86% of abortions are done for convenience.
  • 50% of abortions are performed by women under the age of 25. 
  • 40% of minors having abortions report that their parents don't know about it. 
  • 72% of Planned Parenthood's patients are below the poverty's line.
  • At the current rate, soon 1/3 of all women will have had an abortion. 
  • About 3,000 people died on 9/11. More than 3,000 abortions occur a day.
  • Roughly 1 million abortions occur a year, about the total number of deaths in all American wars combined.
  • 55 million babies have been aborted since abortion was legalized by Roe v. Wade. 

I'll end with a quote from a man who was right about damn near everything, it seems.

"I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born."-Ronald Reagan

God bless America. 

Friday, April 5, 2013

"We believe it to be illegal and we know it to be oppressive."

"Since the industry began to formulate a Code under the NRA in June, 1933, we have at all times opposed any form of price-fixing. We believe it to be illegal and we know it to be oppressive. We quite understand that, if we were compelled to sell our tires at exactly the same price as they sell their tires, their great national consumer acceptance would soon capture our purchasers and ruin us." - Carl Pharis, general manager of Pharis Tire and Rubber Company, one of the victims of the NRA

Since 1948, at least 17 surveys of historians, professors, and presidential scholars have ranked the presidents from best to worst. Only five presidents have been in the top 10 of all 17 of these surveys. They are: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, and Franklin Roosevelt. When the rankings are averaged, Abraham Lincoln comes out as #1 and FDR as #2.

The amount of praise that this country has heaped upon Franklin Roosevelt has always been a thorn in my side (to put it mildly.) I've steadfastly stood by my belief that FDR was the closest thing to a Socialist this country had until BO came about and that the credit he gets for pulling the country out of the Great Depression is misplaced, since entering World War II is what pulled us out and he tried his damnedest to keep us out of the war. Very few people have ever agreed with me.

Then, by chance, I came across a book. This book was called New Deal or Raw Deal? How FDR's Economic Legacy has Damaged America. I thought I'd died and gone to Heaven. Burton Folsom, Jr. took every thought I'd ever had about FDR and backed it up with facts so concrete that I wanted to run out into the street and find someone to argue with just so I could prove them wrong.

What was even more astounding, though, is that Folsom wrote his book in 2008, before BO had had time to make an impact. To read the policies that FDR set in motion, and see them playing out now, is mind-boggling....and terrifying. This is the start of several blogs I'm planning to write on Folsom's book and BO's administration today. So next time a liberal tries to argue that FDR is ranked right up there with Abraham Lincoln and George Washington, you can set them straight and watch them writhe as you decimate their idol.



No, not that NRA. FDR's NRA (boy, these acronyms are going to get old real fast) stood for National Recovery Act and was signed into law in 1933. Under the NRA, a majority in any industry had government approval to establish the expansion limitations, wages, hours, and prices of all products within an industry. Anyone in that industry was subject to the "codes" established by that majority and faced jail time or heavy fines if they failed to comply.

Sound like Socialism? Because that's what it was.

Under these codes, everyone in any particular field was equal - which resulted in next to no competition or innovation; there's a reason that applications for patents for inventions were lower in 1939 than they had been any year in the 1920's. With set prices, industries had no motivation for improvement.

All the industries under the NRA followed a trend - higher prices, higher wages, and less hours. Perhaps in theory this meant that more people would have more money and more time to buy products; in reality, most businesses couldn't afford to pay workers more to do less, the result being that these companies stopped hiring and starting firing.

One example comes in the tire industry, whose codes were established by giants like Goodyear, Goodrich, and Firestone. Prices for tires immediately raised and thus, so did the price of cars. America's export of cars decreased and so did the number of Americans buying automobiles - American car sales in 1933 were 1/3 of what they had been in 1929. Inside the industry, tycoons like Goodyear and Goodrich flourished despite the decrease in sales because they had a nationwide audience. Small companies, like Carl Pharis' company in Newark, Ohio, survived by selling quality tires at cheaper prices to a small and supportive community that trusted their products. When the codes were established, though, Pharis was forced in increase the price of his tires despite knowing that he could have made a profit at a lower price. When the prices were evened out, though, he didn't have the same audience and couldn't compete. He fired all 1,000 of his workers and closed down.

Not everyone complied to the codes like Pharis did but they suffered the consequences nonetheless. Jacob Maged of Jersey City, New Jersey, owned a dry cleaning business. For 22 years, his low prices and quality work had enabled him to keep up with bigger companies in town despite the fact that he was on the outskirts of town. Under the NRA Cleaners and Dyers Code, he was instructed to charge 40 cents to press a suit. He continued to charge is customers 35 cents in order to stay in business. Not only was he thrown in jail for this, he was also fined $100. According to the Washington Post at the time, "For a parallel it is necessary to go to the Fascist or Communist states of Europe."

This wasn't a singular case. Between 1937 and 1939, business failures increased 50%. So common were the problems for small businessmen, in fact, that the NRA was taken to the Supreme Court in 1935 and unanimously voted unconstitutional.


The NRA never returned but the assault on small businesses is something that the U.S. is all too familiar with today through Obamacare. Under Obamacare, employers will be required to provide the same health care plan to all their employees...if they employ more than 50 full-time workers. Like the NRA, if they fail to comply, they will be forced to pay a fine. The solution? Either pay the fine (which, in many cases, would be cheaper than the health care plans) or, much like the businessmen under the NRA who could no longer afford to pay such high wages, small businesses are going to keep their employee count under 50.

What's more, just like the businessman who no longer needed motivation to improve his products, without competition, there's no reason for doctors to improve the quality of their service. Under Obamacare, patients will be assigned a doctor rather than choosing their own like they would in, say, a free country. In a 2012 survey, based on 5,000 answers, 60% of doctors questioned said that they believed that Obamacare would have a negative impact on patient care. Without competition, doctors won't have a chance of earning higher salaries through hard work and improvement. 43% said that they were considering retiring in the next five years because of the law, 90% said that they wouldn't encourage their family to go into health care, and one doctor was quoted as saying, "I would not recommend becoming an M.D. to anyone."

This is what happens when government's try to regulate matters that they have no business being involved in - everybody loses.

Up next: How FDR started government paternity...and how BO encourages it.

God bless America